I had the desire to write today.
I planted my head on my pillow and reflected on the past year and what I've managed to accomplish.
1. I've developed strong relationships with certain individuals in my life. I've concluded that there are actually still good people out there who care and love me almost more than they love themselves. I've endured my moments where I felt damn near helpless and these people slapped reality and hope back into me.
2. Self improvement is always beneficial in ones life. The people who are around you all the time are your best critics and the critics tell me I have to work on my patience. I've been cursed with impatience and due to this my reactions towards others can sometimes be uncalled for. I vow to work on this lol! Rome wasn't built overnight so I'll have to bare with myself.
3. Out with the old in with the new. I've become very distant to several scenes and various people. It's actually been better for me. Making excuses to be affiliated with people I can't stand or going places that are pointless came to an end. Weight has been lifted off my shoulders.
4. Money has been made. Now I'm not a money maniac, but it is rewarding when the work is being put in and the results reflect the effort. I've raised the bar for myself and plan to reach further pinnacles. I'm not always the best self motivator or self starter but my team has pushed me every step of the way and I don't see them stopping now.
Those are just a few of the things I've reflected on, there's obviously a bit more. I don't share these thoughts to involve people in my world, I share them so that it reminds others to take a second to reflect on their life.